Monday 2.00pm - Murray Mackay Room, fortnightly
The Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both men and women to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action.
The Guild strategy changes every three years and for 2024 - 2027 is “ Let us Build a House”. Within that strategy, every year has a different theme. The themes for the coming three years are :
2024 - Sure foundations
2025 - Living stones
2026 - Beyond the walls
As a national organisation we have project partners, each of whom will receive financial and prayerful support from the Guild until the end of the three year cycle.
We meet alternate Mondays from September through to March and extend a warm welcome to you to come along. We are sure you will find something in our syllabus to interest you.
2024 / 25 Syllabus
9th September Opening Meeting with Karen Gillon, General Secretary of the Church of Scotland Guild
23rd September 100 years of Chinese History - Rosalind Holmes
7th October Glasgow Children’s Hospital Charity - Julie Price
21st October Royal Connections - Sheila Clark
2nd November Annual Guild Coffee Morning, 10am - 12noon in The Old Hall
11th November Right up my High Street - Gillian Brogan
25th November Let’s celebrate St Andrew
9th December Christmas Lunch at the Eglinton Arms Hotel
6th January Bingo Bonanza
20th January Guild Project - speaker tbc
3rd February Guilds Together, Horatio’s Garden
17th February The National Trust for Scotland - Nan Steele
3rd March Guild Project - speaker tbc
17th March Prospects across Scotland - Ivy Blair
31st March AGM
For further information please email [email protected] or phone 0141 639 5103