Anchor Boys ( age 5 - 7 )
Friday 6.00pm – Memorial Hall
Come and join in the fun! This is the start of fun and friendships, the start of learning to play together and indeed for many, the start of their time in The Boys' Brigade. With a year of school behind them, these boys are still very much individuals excited by each new discovery.
The programme in the Anchor Boys offers them so much. A time packed with games and songs, crafts and stories expressly designed for their age. But there is more than they realise. They will find more because Anchor Boys offer many the first chance to work together, to co-operate in a joint activity, to work (or play) as a team. Have fun and begin to learn some important life skills.
For further information on any of the sections, please contact Robbie Sutherland, Captain. [email protected]
Boys Brigade Junior Section ( age 8 – 10 )
Friday 6.30pm - Old Hall
We aim to provide a varied programme of activities, ranging from physical activities to team work and individual achievement. Above all, we hope that the boys gain fulfilment from their 3 years at Junior Section and prepare them for moving on in life.
Boys Brigade Company Section ( age 11 – 17 )
Friday 7.45pm - All Halls
Boys in their early teens are usually looking to define themselves as individuals - and this in a world that often tries to force them into a mould. For many this is a key age where habits and life styles are formed; these can be ones that are socially acceptable or those that can lead to major problems in later life.
Early teen years are difficult. How can you be an individual with your own interests, likes and personality while keeping up in today's ever changing fashions and retaining an identity with the group? It is a conflict which often leads to the confusions associated with adolescence.
Essentially, it is the job of officers and staff working in this section to give boys a secure base, and to recognise them as valuable individuals. This is something that they may not get elsewhere in family, school or society.
The Company Section allows individuals to take part in the activities and the decisions. A chance to make one’s own point, a chance also to remain one of a group. A chance to build friendships, a chance to make mistakes that will not be thrown back at them, where skilled staff support can present challenges fitted to the individual. Successfully achieving one challenge is great practice for the next. Brigade awards provide incentive and ensure progression at a rate suitable to age and growing physical strength; there are leadership opportunities to release abundant energies in purposeful ways. |